Flemish Interactive Displays Ready to Jump to the Top of the World – De Tijd
It started in 1968 as a Belgian distributor of German blackboards, Vanerum gradually invested in producing its own school furniture. When Gert Van Erum, son of founder Robert Van Erum, opted for a digital course for the future and i3-Technologies was born. Some years and a corona crisis later, it appears that his choice was the right one. “The pandemic has unleashed a lot. We see an acceleration in the digitization of education everywhere. Our digital activities are now worth around 40 million euros on a group turnover of 60 to 70 million euros. The EBITDA is again at 7 million, mainly thanks to i3 Technologies’, says Van Erum. Read the full interview with Gert Van Erum and the new CEO of i3-Technologies, Chris Colpaert [in Dutch] in De Tijd. Or hear from Gert Van Erum on De Tijd’s podcast (Episode 21/10) between minutes 10:21 and 12:13 here: ‘De 7’ podcast. From blackboards to projectors to interactive displays