Step into the hybrid classroom.
Since the outbreak of the corona virus many schools were forced to close their doors and move their classes online. Teachers have tried their best to ensure that their students are best able to continue learning and collaborating from home as much as possible.
Now that some schools are partially opening again, some students are being allowed to go to school again. But what about the students that are still at home? They also need to be able to follow the lessons.
i3-Technologies has the ultimate solution to this problem. The combination of i3LEARNHUB, an i3TOUCH interactive display and a simple webcam can turn the classroom into a ‘hybrid teaching studio‘ where part of the students are physically present in the classroom and others can follow the lesson from home. Setting up a hybrid classroom is simple and students can easily log in without the need for tools or user accounts.
Recently, i3-Technologies has introduced the hybrid teaching studio in De Kleine Prins, a primary school in Diest, Belgium. The teacher uses the conferencing feature of i3LEARNHUB to stream the lessons to all students, both in the classroom and at home, who can participate interactively on the shared online whiteboard. This way nobody is left out. Click here to read the full article. (in Dutch)